Judiciary Integrity or Court Of Public Opinion

Oklahoma State Capitol, DUI OKC AttorneyThis is Part One in a beginning series about Oklahoma judges and their ability to rule on the law and not on the Court Of Public Opinion.

Over the past few years there have been pushes to undermine our Judiciary (our court system).  The issue at stake is that judges are appointed so they are able to rule and focus on the law.  The “pushes” are to remove that appointment and make the positions an elected position.

The concern is that when judges are an elected position, judges will not rule solely on the law- they will rule while taking into consideration the Court Of Public Opinion.

To look at this a different way: you are facing conviction and your judge is thinking about the law along with how your case will make him/her look in the news media.  Do you want your judge making a decision about your future while weighing television headlines?

Tom Hosty has over 11 years experience defending Oklahomans and protecting their rights. OKC DUI Attorney

Once you have been arrested, time is critical.

Call today and schedule your FREE office visit with Tom so you can start the process to protect your freedom.

The Hosty Law Office are experts in defending people arrested for drunk driving, DWI APC, drug charges, felonies and misdemeanors.  Call us so we can help; it’s what we do.

405-235-4040 (click to dial office)
405-210-3462 (click to dial Tom’s cell phone)

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Handgun Permit Applications Increasing

Handgun Applications IconThis year, 2013, the amount of people applying for handgun licenses in Oklahoma is on pace to increase by 60 percent over 2012.  According to the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigations (OSBI).

The permit allows an Oklahoma resident to legally carry their firearm openly in public.  The former law only allowed for concealed carry (you may have your firearm with you, but it may not bee seen).

Jessica Brown, spokeswoman for the OSBI, “We don’t know why it went up so much.”  This trend is not alone to Oklahoma, other states are seeing similar trends.

Permit Application Submissions In Oklahoma

Handgun Permit Application Submissions In Oklahoma

Miles Hall, Founder of H & H Shooting Sports, has seen this trend for himself and the demographic of people submitting applications is across the board.  His sports complex, here in Oklahoma City, is one of the largest in the Midwest where people may submit applications, receive professional safety training and advanced classes.

Betsy Randolph, spokeswoman for Oklahoma Department of Public Safety, thinks the increased violence in the past few years and press coverage of increasing gun control have led to people purchasing firearms and attaining concealed-carry permits.

Entire Article- CLICK HEREDUI attorney OKC, Thomas Hosty

Thomas Hosty of the Hosty Law Office asks that everyone follow the law and is responsible with a firearm at all times.

If something does happen and you find yourself or someone you know, needing professional criminal defense, he has over 21 years experience and will stand up for your rights in court.


Hosty Law Office, Tom Hosty, On Twitter

Tom Hosty On Facebook


Flash Mob For Misdemeanors

The Skinny:

Back in 2011 Oklahoma passed a law elevating a DUI to a felony if the arrest was the second DUI within ten years of the first.  The defendant would have also plead guilty or no contest to the first offense.

Somehow, the law was applied retroactively to individuals who completed a deferred sentence prior to the enactment of the law.

Because of this, prosecutors (including Tom Hosty) have been arguing before the appeals court that the law is applicable to everyone convicted or pleaded guilty to DUI.  It has been ruled that the law cannot effect people and cases in the past.

Where Things Stand:

The decision gives hundreds of pending felony DUI cases may be changed to misdemeanors if the first sentence was completed before 11/1/2011.

Initial post by: Phillips and Associates


Anyone who thinks Attorneys are anything else than ethical and work for the best of their clients may go kick rocks.

Tom Hosty has over 10 years experience defending Oklahomans and protecting their rights.

Once you have been arrested, time is critical.

Call today and schedule your free consultation with Tom so you can start the process to protect your freedom.

Tom Hosty, Hosty Law Office

The Hosty Law Office are experts in defending people arrested for drunk driving, DWI APC, drug charges, felonies and misdemeanors.  Call us so we can help; it’s what we do.

405-235-4040 (click to dial office)
405-210-3462 (click to dial Tom’s cell phone)

A Possible Option To Trial In Oklahoma: Mediation

James L. Stovall founded The Mediation InstituteIn the court room, tempers can be frayed, emotions run high, lives can be devastated.  Mediation takes those things off the table and provides calm.

Mediation allows parties to resolve conflicts without trial and the structure of the court room.  Attorneys are present allowing people to talk and resolve their problems.

Jennifer Irish, a Edmond attorney, “The parties are making the decisions about the outcome of the case.  That’s empowering.”

Christi Chesley, a Norman divorce attorney and mediator, “With mediation it’s a more peaceful alternative.”

For people who aren’t able to afford or don’t want to pay for mediation, residents of Oklahoma, Cleveland and Canadian counties can receive mediation at no cost.

Tom Hosty, Oklahoma's Premier DUI Attorney

The Hosty Law Office always wants a peaceful end to a marriage; one that takes care of children and both spouses.  People are most important and should not be used as pawns or weapons in a divorce.  Be adults and work together.

Tom Hosty, The Hosty Law Office



Facebook: Hosty Law

(Original NewsOK.com Article)